Help Support Local Food Hubs

Launch a Bastrop Intervale

Bastrop Intervale Agricultural Zone

Farmers are struggling to succeed in Central Texas as they are priced out and pushed out by haphazard development. As organizations like Farmshare Austin and ACC Elgin growing a new generation of farmers, more must be done to ensure their success.

Creating dedicated agricultural zones where farmers can concentrate on growing good, clean, safe, and fair food is urgently needed.

As farmers are pushed farther out into counties that lack environmental protections, what they discover is that incompatible businesses like mining and other industrial, commercial ventures can move in, take or destroy vital resources that farmers require like land, water and air. And because Texas counties have little or no control over land use, farmers have little recourse. This, ultimately, means that you and your neighbors have less access to local, healthy food. But, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Other dynamic cities like Nashville, TN and Burlington, VT have created thriving foodsheds for new and beginning farmers. We want to do the same for the Austin/Bastrop area starting with Wilbarger Bend, just 8 miles west of Bastrop and about 20 miles east of Austin.

Wilbarger Bend, identified as a Conservation Priority since 2009, is already home to several certified organic vegetable farms and ranchers as well as successful restauranteurs and food entreprenuers. We need to make this food hub stronger by adding more farmers who can share resources so we can provide our neighbors with the highest quality food possible.

It’s time to create a dedicated area where farmers can work together, thrive and focus on growing the best food and flowers possible for Central Texans. Please contact us to discuss how you can help, email:


Protected Farmland

Saving and Protecting our most fertile and productive farmland before it’s too late. The Intervale Center in Burlington, VT, is a model for other cities to grow and sustain local food economies and communities. Sited on a river bend, the Intervale could easily be replicated on Wilbarger Bend, Bastrop.